News archive

Guerra Silvia

I am part of the Mind(the)Plant lab at the Department of General Psychology. My research focuses on the characterization of motor cognition in plants by means of three-dimensional kinematic analysis. My main interest is to understand the mechanisms underlying the ability of plants to adapt their

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United we stand, divided we fall: intertwining as evidence of joint actions in pea plants

Bonato, B., Wang, Q., Guerra, S., Simonetti, V., Bulgheroni, M., Quaggiotti, S., Ruperti, B. & Castiello, U. (2023). “United we stand, divided we fall”: Intertwining as evidence of joint actions in pea plants. AoB PLANTS, plad088.ABSTRACT: In life, it is common for almost every kind of organism

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Emotion Regulation, Hope, and Optimism During the Third Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Age and Personality

The present study, recently published by PlosOne, confirmed that older adults were more able than younger adults to cope with the emotional and psychological experience of the COVID-19 pandemic also during the third wave of contagions. Moreover, personality traits, and in particular emotional

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Luca Menghini

 I am a work and organizational psychologist, and I got my PhD in applied psychophysiology at the University of Padova, with a project on work stress assessment through wearable and mobile technologies. Since I was a student, I have been mainly interested in how psychology can be applied to improve

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Internal selection_Blended Intensive Programmes

Call: Internal selection_Blended Intensive ProgrammesTarget group: teaching staff, students, academic staffGoal: Promote intensive courses developed by consortia of Higher Education Institutions that involve short periods of in-person / virtual activities. The University of Padua, through a

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