A glance toward the past reveals the path for the future: A direct replication of Raymond, Shapiro, and Arnell (1992), the attentional blink

DPG1 classroom - Department of General Psychology - via Venezia 8 Padova


The next meeting of the Journal Club - Progress Report 2018-19 of the DPG will take place on Monday 14-01-2019 at 11:30 am, DPG1 classroom.
Dr.  Enrico Toffalini, Post-doc at DPG, together with Prof. Massimo Grassi, will give a talk entitled:  "A glance toward the past reveals the path for the future: A direct replication of Raymond, Shapiro, and Arnell (1992), the attentional blink ".
The presentation will be in English.  
Click on the link below to see the next JC-PR talks

Calendario Journal Club   

Those interested in giving a talk should contact Mario Bonato. Requests can also be sent to Silvia Benavides (DPSS) or Ettore Ambrosini (DNS).