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Action video games and neuromodulation of the posterior parietal cortex improve both attention and reading in adults with developmental dyslexia

Bertoni, S., Franceschini, S., Mancarella, M., Puccio, G., Ronconi, L., Marsicano, G., Gori, S., Campana, G., & Facoetti, A. (2024). Action video games and posterior parietal cortex neuromodulation enhance both attention and reading in adults with developmental dyslexia. Cerebral Cortex, 34(4).

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The dark and gloomy brain: grey matter volume alterations in major depressive disorder – fine-grained meta-analyses

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) affects about 280 million people worldwide and has been recognized as the leading cause of disability among mental disorders. However, research on the brain correlates of MDD lacks definitive consensus regarding the areas affected by reduction (atrophy) or increase

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Valérie Gyselinck

03.04.2024 - 24.04.2024 Directeur de Recherche en psychologie cognitiveLaboratoire de Psychologie et d’Ergonomie AppliquéesUniversité Gustave Eiffel (Francia)Research topics: individual difference in orienting behaviour

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Hirokazu Doi

01.04.2024 - 31.10.2024 Associate professorDepartment of Information and Management Systems EngineeringNagaoka University of Technology (Giappone)Research topic: Computational modelling of typical and atypical development of human cognition

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Simon Grondin

11.03.2024 - 14.04.2024 Professor School of Psychology Laval University, Quebec (Canada)Research topics: auditory perception, visual perception, time perception

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