Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: Shaping the Future of Sciences

I prossimi 21 e 22 marzo si terrà a Padova un importante convegno internazionale sull'utilizzo dell'Intelligenza Artificiale nella pratica medica, patrocinato dal Dipartimento di Psicologia Generale e da altri dipartimenti dell'Università di Padova. Tutti i dettagli si possono trovare nel sito dedicato all'evento:

The event aims to delve into the transformative role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the healthcare sector. We will explore the myriad opportunities and challenges these technologies present for the future of medicine. Distinguished experts from the fields of global research in medicine, healthcare, information technology, and bioengineering will be in attendance to share the latest developments and ongoing research.

Registration and call for abstracts:

Registration is free for UNIPD academics, staff members, and students, but spaces are limited. To facilitate organization and minimize food waste, we kindly request responsible registration (only if you intend to attend the meeting)


If you are interested in sharing your research and technological advancements with the wider community, a call for abstracts is also open. Instructions for submissions are provided at (space are very limited).

The event will feature presentations on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in diagnosis, therapy, and patient management. Additionally, there will be interactive discussion sessions and round tables where participants can engage with experts, ask questions, and contribute to the dialogue.

This event offers a unique opportunity for healthcare professionals, scientists, and companies to gain insights into how artificial intelligence and machine learning are revolutionizing modern medicine. Discover how these technologies can significantly improve the quality of patient care.